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Smithsonian National Zoo's Sumatran tiger Damai

The National Zoo's Sumatran Tiger: Damai

This is a picture of the Smithsonian National Zoological Park's Sumatran female tiger Damai. I took this picture in the summer of 2012 while visiting Washington D.C. for my very first time. The weather was absolutely fantastic this day, and I saw some really beautiful and amazing animals. This tiger was definitely one of my favorites.
Click the image to see a larger version

Tigers are an extremely endagagered species. In fact of the nine tiger subspecies, only six have survived. Of the three "island subspecies" (Balinese, Javan, and Sumatran) only the Sumatran still remains, which is currently being bred at the National Zoo.

Tim Lincecum

SF Giants vs. Oakland A's (5/21/2011)

This is a photo of a San Francisco Giants game that I was very forturnate to see from a couple of amazing seats. The battle was between our Tim Lincecum and Oakland's Brett Anderson. The weather was absolutely perfect this Saturday day, sunny throughout, and I was just 10 or so rows up from the Giants' dugout! Well you're probably thinking, "Yep, sounds pretty awesome. Can't see anyway for this day to be any better..." which would generally be correct. Except for I haven't told you the best part yet, not only was this a beautiful day, but The Freak was sooo on this day he pitched a COMPLETE GAME SHUTOUT! One of the absolute best games I've ever seen.

NOTE: The background has been gamma corrected.